Tuesday 30 September 2008

Experimental Video - Film content review 2

Name of film: Telling Lies
Name of Creator or Films Artist:
Duration: 4 Minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types of visual images used in this chosen piece (B/W, colour, locations, actors etc.)

  • text in the shot
  • black background
  • background colour flashes green and distorts when a convosation is ended
  • the text doesn't always match the soundtrack
  • the text changes when the true feelings are being hidden
  • the text changes colour, for different characters
Briefly give an overview of the types of audio used in the video. (Is the audio diegetic or non-diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

  • diegetic sounds
  • dialling tone
  • listening into phone convocations
  • tone of voice changes as the subject of the convocation changes

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

  • It is easier to mask your true emotions when your not looking at someone in the eye what motivates us to lie?

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

  • I can relate to the characters in the video, i have said somehing on the phone in the past, and have been thinking a complete and other thing.

Name of Film: The girl chewing gum
Name of creator or films artist: John Smith
Duration: 9 Minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types of visual images used in this chosen piece (B/W, colour, locations, actors etc.)
  • Black and White
  • Panning Shot, to long and angle
  • zooming in and out
  • Continuous shots
Briefly give an overview of the types of audio used in the video. (Is the audio diegetic or non-diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

  • Non-Diegetic sound - director shouting, belling ringing
  • The instructions are becoming more complex
  • The directors instructions seems to be becoming more delayed
What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

  • Control
  • Prediction
  • Courage
  • Assumed control
  • Control by a higher figure

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

  • I picked up that the sound was added after
  • The actions of the people in the shots, have made up stories
  • Things are happening which are not instructed
Name of film: Gisele Kerozene
Name of creator or film artist: Jan Kounen

Briefly give an overview of the types of visual images used in this chosen piece (B/W, colour, locations, actors etc.)
  • Stop montion
  • Point of view filming used
  • Colourful costume and make-up against a cold, colourless setting
  • Shots are flowing
  • On one of the walls the word "jump" is printed on it
Briefly give an overview of the types of audio used in the video. (Is the audio diegetic or non-diegetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)
  • Non diegetic sound
  • Sound track is added
  • Non understandable speech
What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?
  • Making a stop motion frame animation, just to show that the creators can make a stop motion piece.
What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?
  • very entertaining
  • Best stop motion ive ever seen
  • The storyline is very crude

Experimental Video - Film content review

Name of Film: 1001 Nights
Name of Creator or Films Artist: Jananne Al-Ali
Duration: 6 Minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types of visual images used in this piece. (B/W, colour, locations, actors etc.

  • close up shots
  • simple
  • black back drop
  • 5 women
  • women are in colour
Briefly give an overview of the types of audio used in the video. (Is the audio diegetic or non-diagetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

  • audio diegetic
  • monolouging
  • stories of war
What do you think the premise or controling idea for this video is?

  • describing there experiences of war
  • all different types of people
What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

  • the 5 heads all placed in a row is quite unimaginative
  • the predictability of the order is irritating

Name of Film: Koyaanisqatsi (life out of balance)
Name of Creator or Films Artist: Godefry Reggio
Duration: 1 hour 23 minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types of visual images used in this piece. (B/W, colour, locations, actors etc.

  • red title
  • zomming out from a stone wall with drawings carved into it
  • unsteady camera shot
  • a slowed down view of a shuttle launch
  • the shots linger
  • landscape shots used
Briefly give an overview of the types of audio used in the video. (Is the audio diegetic or non-diagetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)
  • non-diegetic, harmonic music
  • music speeds up and slows down throughout
  • no dialouge
  • music raises and drops

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

  • industry
  • destruction
  • the passing of time
  • war
  • broken society
  • repetition

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

  • i would not of been surprised if at the end of the film, this was an advert for Honda

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Brighton Photos

This first image of Brighton really highlights the reality of the British seaside. it shows that it has a darker less friendly personality, which looks unattractive and sometimes dangerous. The rusted padlock is interesting, because you would not usually associate a looking device, with an environment where freedom and care free fun is encouraged. Also this photo has a sense a mystery surrounding it. "Why is this door locked?" "Who locked it?" and "What is behind this door?" are all questions which i thought of when i saw this.

Experimental video

The term "Experimental" suggests that something is unproven and investigational. So the term "Experimental Video" suggests that, when producing a new piece of video, that the maker is approaching the making of a video, differently than previously known. However, just because it’s a new way in which to make a film, it does not mean that it will be successful. "Experimental Video" can occur in both film and television. An example of experimental video is the E4 program "The Fonejacker" this show allows the audience to see the lighter and sometimes infuriating side to prank calls, in a experimental way.