Tuesday 30 September 2008

Experimental Video - Film content review

Name of Film: 1001 Nights
Name of Creator or Films Artist: Jananne Al-Ali
Duration: 6 Minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types of visual images used in this piece. (B/W, colour, locations, actors etc.

  • close up shots
  • simple
  • black back drop
  • 5 women
  • women are in colour
Briefly give an overview of the types of audio used in the video. (Is the audio diegetic or non-diagetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)

  • audio diegetic
  • monolouging
  • stories of war
What do you think the premise or controling idea for this video is?

  • describing there experiences of war
  • all different types of people
What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

  • the 5 heads all placed in a row is quite unimaginative
  • the predictability of the order is irritating

Name of Film: Koyaanisqatsi (life out of balance)
Name of Creator or Films Artist: Godefry Reggio
Duration: 1 hour 23 minutes

Briefly give an overview of the types of visual images used in this piece. (B/W, colour, locations, actors etc.

  • red title
  • zomming out from a stone wall with drawings carved into it
  • unsteady camera shot
  • a slowed down view of a shuttle launch
  • the shots linger
  • landscape shots used
Briefly give an overview of the types of audio used in the video. (Is the audio diegetic or non-diagetic, does the soundtrack fit the imagery?)
  • non-diegetic, harmonic music
  • music speeds up and slows down throughout
  • no dialouge
  • music raises and drops

What do you think the premise or controlling idea of this video is?

  • industry
  • destruction
  • the passing of time
  • war
  • broken society
  • repetition

What thoughts are you left with after you have viewed this film?

  • i would not of been surprised if at the end of the film, this was an advert for Honda

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