Tuesday 14 October 2008

Task 1 - part 6 Audience, and audience interpretation of the work

All Video including experimental video, is created for audiences to enjoy, help inspire and sometimes hate. No single opinion on a piece of video can ever be completely similar, even though they could be very close. The way videos are critically analysed by an audience member can depend entirely on the type of person they are; type of personality, age, gender and time in which they grew up. It is because of this that Experimental video works so well, it allows the concepts within the videos to be read and understood on a number of different levels. In reflection, some videos have no real meaning and purpose except creating questions in an audience members mind. A director can do this to challenge the perceptions and beliefs of a person; and lead them to question things within their own life, or whether actions they carry out or thinking about are right or wrong.

For many people born in the 1990's they have been brought up in the world of the information age, where technology is rapidly developing and society has changed dramatically compared to the 1970's. So for those born in the 1990's viewing John Smith's 1976 video "The Girl Chewing Gum" some may find the pace of piece to be very slow and the environment shown to be very boring and dated. Some may even find it hard to believe that there was life before the existence of television and mass media.

While the young could be challenged or confused by the primitiveness of the 1970's piece. A Majority of those born in the 1950's may be extremely confused and mesmerised by the sheer quality of "Doll Face" created by Andy Huang. It may confuse previous generations because is hyper advance in comparison to what they have become accustomed to throughout their upbringing. Therefore, leading to naivety about the use of technology and sometimes fear of the technology itself.

In addition, both the younger and more mature generation can relate to the concepts being shown within both of the videos. "The Girl Chewing Gum" and "Doll Face" are centred on one key theme. The theme that you are always being told what to do, what to wear and what is acceptable. You are told these things mostly through the media and those in positions of power and control.


Zoyia said...

WELL WRITTEN :D Nice one !! :D

CSC MEDIA said...

Unit 34
Grade D1

Lewis this is very competent piece of analysis. You critically evaluate the work of video artists and support your arguments with elucidated examples, you express your ideas fluently and use subject terminology correctly.

This is clearly a distinction piece of work, Well done! You are now into your production stages i.e. Task 2 on the main blog.