Monday 20 October 2008

Task 2.1 part 1 Video treatment

Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV)




DURATION: 5 minutes max.



OUTLINE OF AUDIENCE: This piece will be created so that a range of audiences can view and take away many different perceptions of what the piece represents. I feel that this piece would be helpful to those in the performing arts. An actor or director could use this video to show how any human can harbour and express any emotion when forced, or shows it through choice. It also has the concept of what you are led to believe when you read different words.

OUTLINE OF STORY: This piece has no regular structured narrative. It is more of a statement about people perceptions and stereotypical views, regarding who is capable of doing certain things and words which you associate with people you see. The piece will start with many different views of written text. The first set of words seen by the audience will be words such as “love”, “hope” and “sex”. After the words have been seen, it will be revealed that the words have been written on the body of a female. The calm tone will suddenly change when a male character splattered with a red substance will appear. Then let out a primeval shout at the camera. The camera will then pan across the male actor’s body, to show words of a darker nature such as; “hate”, “fear” and “war”. In the closing moments, the words “we are all the same” will be written on one hand of the female and cross over the male character.


Name: Female
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown

Name: Male
Age: Unknown
From: Unknown

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