Wednesday 12 November 2008

Task 1 - part 4 The use of exhibition space to create meaning

After I viewed the different experimental video installations created by; Susan Hiller, Jonas Mekas, Dan Graham, Pawel Kwiek and Dominique Gonzalez. I now have a deeper understanding of how the space in which a video is viewed can influence perceptions and opinions. I have also learnt that a person’s thoughts and feelings when viewing a video can be changed if the piece of video has been taking out of its original context. Two examples of this are "Psi Girls" by Susan Hiller and "TH.2058" by Dominique Gonzalez.
Susan Hiller's piece has five different video's playing at the same time, being shown on a long wall. All the videos have one common denominator, and that is the main characters within are girls with physic or telepathic abilities. The difference to in the videos is the coloured filter which is applied to them; the colours however, change ever time between the five videos. The Colours used are; blue, yellow, green, red and purple. By simply applying a different coloured filter every time, Hiller has taken the videos out of its original context and scraped the original concept and has created new ones by the simple change of colour.
"TH.2058" by Dominique Gonzalez uses a video projection of scenes of destruction and broken society. These images have been sampled from a number of movies made after the 1970's. On there own, the pieces of film have thier own story and meaning, but when they are placed together in a long feature, it creates a new context and meaning.

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