Wednesday 10 December 2008

Task 2.2 part 1 Synopsis of instalation

The premise of my experimental video "We Are All The Same" is what are a person perceptions when different words are read. Then when an audience sees that the words are written on a females and males body, do thier feelings and reactions to the words change.

So when i exhibit the video to an audience of my peers, I plan to use; A small square room with only one door and no windows. Cover the the walls and large objects within the room with black plastic bin liners. Cover the back of the door too, so that no light can enter the room once the door is closed. In the a corner of the room, will be a black laptop computer, setup ready to play the piece i've created. When inviting audience members to view the piece, I will only allow two people at a time into watch. This is to make sure that the two people look at each other in a different light. different in the sense that they could realise that the people around them are capable of the range of emotions and feelings i have shown in the video.

Hopefully, with the blackend room and enclosed environment, the audience will be more inclined to pay attention to the video because there will be a minimul number of distractions, to split attention. Also with the room being changed into an unusual environment, audiences members may feel disturbed by the change or intrigeed by the change. i feel that if an audience member is durstured by the installation space, they will be disturbed and feel sickend by the content of the video.

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