Tuesday 16 December 2008

2.3 Post Production

On the 24th of November 2008, I began the vital process of post production. I began at 9 in the morning when I started to import the clips I had filmed the previous day. I imported them onto the editing program I was going to be using. When I had finished importing the saved clips onto the program, I reviewed them and began deciding which shots I wanted to include in the final piece and which I needed to cut or edit. I then started to drag the clips I needed into a timeline order. The order of which will be in the finished video. After that was complete, I choose to experiment with different screen effects. First I tried putting a blue filter across the screen. This would create a cold dark affect. When I viewed the shots with the blue filter, I felt that the look of the affect would make the video seem to cold and detract from the hope, love and compassion themes of the piece. So I then decided that a black and white affect would be suitable for my video. The lack of colour and the only difference in colour being light and dark would highlight the theme of equality and that everybody is the same. At the start of the second day of post production (the 25th November 2008), I decided to started to think about adding a soundtrack to the video I had sequenced the previous day. I had an idea of what I wanted in the soundtrack; A heavy repetitive beat, with calm and slightly disturbing lyrics. I searched through a number of CD's I had in my collection and eventually found a song which had the things I was looking for. This song was "Lucky you" by Deftones. I listen to the song a few times before I added it to the video, just to make sure it would fit. When I was finally convinced the song fitted in with the piece, I imported it into the editing program and imported it to the video. Once it was added, I listened and watched the edited video. I was happy with the contents. Then I moved on and added credits to the video. By the end of the day I was satisfied with what I had created and I knew that I would this complete version for my final product. After a good night sleep and a good deal of thinking, when I got into college (on the 26th November 2008) I started to consider experimenting with the soundtrack. My reason for wanting to try different soundtracks was that I wanted to see if the meaning and feel of the video, changed when the mood and type of music changed. I searched through the songs which I had on my ipod. I was searching for songs with a different tempo, tone and beat. I created a shortlist of tracks which were different in interesting ways. I experimented with a track which was quite dramatic, and had lots of volume changes. Another song I tried was a cover of the song “hero” After about an hour of listening, improving and deciding whether or not to really use the new soundtracks. I finally decided to not use the new soundtracks because; the first was to dramatic and it subtracted from the chilling and affective shots being seen on screen. The second was essentially a love song, and it just didn’t fit. So I just decided to keep my original soundtrack.

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