Tuesday 16 December 2008

2.3 Production Diary

My video production took place on the 23rd of November 2008. Before filming I went out and brought the body paint and paint brushes which I needed for production. Then I prepared the shooting location, by clearing all furnishings and large objects from the room. This just left a clear white wall and a plain wooden floor. After I had set up the shooting location, I checked and set up the camera, tripod and lights in preparation for filming.

The actor and actress I had asked to film arrived at 11.30. They first got changed into the costumes in which I needed them to wear for filming. The costumes were a black bra and shorts for the actress and black shorts for the actor.

At 12 Noon, I started to paint the words I needed on the actors. I had done the actresses words as I would be filming her shots first. The painting took 30 minutes to finish. At 12.30pm I white balanced the camera. Once that was carried out, I shot the first part of the actresses’ scene. When filming I had to reshoot some shots, because the lighting was poor or the camera movements were poor. The shooting of the actresses’ parts took one hour. I then moved on and started to shoot the second half of the video. This was the scene with the male actor. I filmed the required shots with relative ease. The shots took another hour to shoot.

After the shooting process was finished, I rewind the tape and watched the footage back. I then removed the tape from the camera and packed up the camera and the tripod.

In total, the production time of the video was three hours and went without any major problem throughout the filming process.

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